The Butterfly Lion Book Report

Title of Book
The Butterfly Lion

Michel Morporgo

Children's Story

Bertie,Millie,The white prince

Timbavati in Africa,England,France

(6-8 sentences)

My class and i have read this book,nearly to the end. I learnt so much about the butterfly lion,ill tell you all about it. So one day, a boy named Jack was in boding school. He hated boding school. the on day he jumped over the school wall. then a old lady found Jack  walking in the streets he told him  "what are you doing here?" the granny said "i,m running away from school" she told him that's not really right. so the granny toke  the boy inside for tea and croissants. then Jack told the old lady "wheres your husband" the old lady replied sadly "he passed' the he told him about how the life of Bertie went.  he lived in a house near by a waterhole and he was an only child. his mom was depressed and the dad went to work most of the time. then one day he saw a white lion getting circled by hyenas. then Bertie came with  his fathers hunting rifle and miss fired the hyenas. "the lion was saved" he told himself. then he took the white lion back to the house. the mother and father discussed about the lion if Bertie could have the lion. then the arrangement was clear that Bertie had a white lion. Hes mother wasn't depressed  anymore,maybe because now Bertie has a lion to play with, Bertie didn't make any friends or even went to school. then one day Millie was flying her kite, then it got caught in a tree. then out of no where Bertie got the kite down. the liked each other ever since then.
then one night at the dinner table dad had an announcement that there was a french man looking for a lion and Bertie had to go to a school far away in England. Bertie was devastated. then about 15 or more years later he joint the army. they were in trenches and then Bertie saw two men wounded then came to ave them and then,guess what Bertie got shot, He didn't care he went on until he got to the base the got awarded a bravery medal. then Millie became a  nurse and found Bertie. we was sent home. then he saw the French man and Bertie said "you like dogs cats monkeys lions!" and then he found the lion and lived a happy life.

my feelings and lessons from this book is that no matter what you do, your friend or person in your life. will be there. and my lesson was to be positive and be bold.
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